
sponsor #healthyteen24

It’s a win-win! Boost your brand and make a difference.

Premier OpportunitiesExhibiting & Advertising

the “must-attend” conference

Rise, Reimagine, and Reinvent
November 18-20, 2024 | Phoenix, AZ

We are the go-to network for connecting youth-supporting professionals with the opportunities, training, and tools they need to empower the next generation to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Our vast membership network of more than 5,600 affiliates is made up of diverse adolescent sexual and reproductive health professionals.

For over 40 years, our conference has been the only comprehensive annual national event to convene adolescent sexual and reproductive health professionals. Hundreds of conference attendees attend our apex capacity-building event each year. They come to strengthen their skills to provide the very best health care and education, as well as to network with national colleagues.

Our attendees are youth-supporting professionals.

They are teachers and educators, counselors and clinicians.

They are caring adults.

And every day, they are working hard to provide honest, affirming care and education. They are in unique positions to recommend products and services to tens of thousands of youth across the country and to the agencies they represent.

At Healthy Teen Network, we know youth-supporting professionals do their best when they’re connected to great opportunities and resources—and with others working in sexual and reproductive health. And when they are well-supported, we see more positive outcomes for the youth they serve.

Sponsorship opportunities include Premier Sponsorships and Boost Your Brand Sponsorships.

Learn more about this year’s conference.

What We Have Heard

Don’t just take our word for it. Straight from our attendees, here’s what they have to say about the Healthy Teen Network annual national conference.

our mission

We promote better outcomes for adolescents and young adults by advancing social change, cultivating innovation, and strengthening youth-supporting professionals and organizations.

Premier Sponsorships

Sponsorship is win-win for everyone. You get exposure to conference attendees; they get the capacity-building sessions and networking opportunities they need to provide the very best sexual health education and services.

We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities. Looking for something else? Let us know what you have in mind.

The Perks
Address full conference
Collaborate on a general session
Feature in e-newsletter to 5000+ subscribers
Guest blog post
Ads promoted in the app
Posts shared on our social media platforms
Tickets included
Host an exhibit table
Share some SWAG
Premier logo placement

Need the full details?

We’ve outlined what comes with each sponsorship package below. Need something customized to suit your needs? Let’s chat.

Platinum | $50,000

As a Platinum Sponsor, you have the opportunity to…

  • Address the full conference audience (up to 10 minutes)
  • Collaborate with us to organize a general session for all attendees
  • Enjoy 5 complimentary conference registrations to use or offer as scholarships
  • Host an exhibit table, featured in a high-traffic location with exposure to all attendees
  • Provide an item for attendee SWAG
  • Share up to 3 graphics and links to be featured on the conference app
  • Provide up to 3 posts (graphic and caption) to be shared on Healthy Teen Network’s social media platforms*
  • Provide a guest blog post to be shared on the Healthy Teen Network website, social media platforms, and weekly Egram
  • Contribute to a featured highlight (up to 150 words) in Healthy Teen Network’s monthly e-newsletter, the Spotlight
  • Feature your logo with premier placement on the conference website and app, on posters at the venue, and in the slideshow shared in general sessions

Silver | $10,000

As a Silver Sponsor, you have the opportunity to:

  • Chose to be the sole sponsor for the (1) conference app, (2) conference webpage, or (3) attendee SWAG bag (or other item of your choice)
  • Enjoy 2 complimentary conference registration to use or offer as scholarships
  • Host an exhibit table, featured in a high-traffic location with exposure to all attendees
  • Opportunity to provide an item for attendee SWAG
  • Share 1 graphic with a link to be featured on the conference app
  • Provide 1 post (graphic and caption) to be shared on Healthy Teen Network’s social media platforms*
  • Feature your logo with premier placement on the conference website and app, on posters at the venue, and in the slideshow shared in general sessions

Gold | $25,000

As a Gold Sponsor, you have the opportunity to…

  • Display your logo prominently at your choice of the (1) networking reception, (2) Tuesday Awards Luncheon, or (3) Wednesday Networking Luncheon, with the opportunity to provide one item to be placed at tables, and/or branded cocktail napkins
  • Enjoy 3 complimentary conference registrations to use or offer as scholarships
  • Host an exhibit table, featured in a high-traffic location with exposure to all attendees
  • Opportunity to provide an item for attendee SWAG
  • Share up to 2 graphics with links to be featured on the conference app
  • Provide up to 2 posts (graphic and caption) to be shared on Healthy Teen Network’s social media platforms*
  • Provide a guest blog post to be shared on the Healthy Teen Network website, social media platforms, and weekly Egram
  • Feature your logo with premier placement on the conference website and app, on posters at the venue, and in the slideshow shared in general sessions

Bronze | $5,000

As a Bronze Sponsor, you have the opportunity to…

  • Enjoy 1 complimentary conference registration
  • Host an exhibit table, featured in a high-traffic location with exposure to all attendees
  • Opportunity to provide an item for attendee SWAG
  • Feature your logo with premier placement on the conference website and app and in the slideshow shared in general sessions

boost your brand

Grab the spotlight with these exhibiting and advertising sponsorship opportunities.
orange and pink sunburst icon

All Access Pass


Attend the conference and showcase your services and resources by hosting an exhibit table with our all access pass. You'll enjoy a space in a high-traffic area frequented by conference attendees for the duration of the conference.

Benefits include:

  • Enjoy 1 full main conference registration for the exhibitor
  • Host an exhibit table, featured in a high-traffic location with exposure to all attendees
  • Feature your logo on the conference website and app, linked to your website
purple and pink profile of a butterfly over flowers

Social Butterfly

Social Media Posts

Expand your reach by sharing up to 3 posts on Healthy Teen Network’s social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter/X) before, during, or after #HealthyTeen24. We will help you identify the appropriate social media channels and time your posts.

Benefits include:

pink stars with purple background

Highlight Reel

Conference App Advertiser

Without a printed program, the conference app is the place to be. Ads are a dynamic space in the app with prominent placement. Feature an upcoming event, promote a session at the conference, share a resource, sell an item, or highlight a call to action.

Benefits include:

  • Share a graphic, with a link to your website, to be featured conference app throughout the conference
  • Feature your logo on the conference website and app, linked to your website, and in the slideshow featured in general sessions

get your tickets now

Registration is now open! Don't forget to check out our Learning Add-Ons which are limited-capcity training sessions happening before the start of the conference.

Excited yet? We are!

Meet us in Phoenix, or if you can’t—let us share your stuff with our thousands of followers or directly with our conference attendees. It’ll be almost like you’re there with us!
Please remember to check out the fine print; it has information about payment and refund deadlines, what it means to be aligned with our Guiding Principles, and who you can get in touch with if you have questions.
All Access Pass Nonprofit Exhibitor, $1145
All Access Pass For-Profit Exhibitor, $1595
Social Butterfly Social Media Posts, Nonprofit: $499, For-Profit: $699
Highlight Reel Conference App Adds, Nonprofit: $299, For-Profit: $499
Full-Day Learning Add-On, $255
Half-Day Learning Add-On, $145
General Attendee, $945
Student Attendee, $389, *Students must provide proof of full-time enrollment for the Fall 2024 semester.

Join us in Phoenix

Set in the beautiful Phoenix North Mountain Preserve, the Hilton Phoenix Tapatio Cliffs Resort is a 20-minute drive north of downtown Phoenix.

The resort offers spacious all-suite accommodations, sun-drenched pools, cabanas, waterfalls, a water slide, fine dining, world-class golf, a full-service spa, mountain views, surrounding hiking trails, and is a central location to many nearby Phoenix attractions.

We have secured a special rate for a limited number of rooms. The discounted room block is expected to sell out, so we highly recommend reserving your room as soon as possible. Book your online reservation below.

Room Type
Guest Room
Guest Room:
Federal Government* (SOLD OUT)

*Rate is dependent on the prevailing Federal Government Per Diem and is subject to change.

the fine print

You've got questions. We've got answers.

What's Included?

As part of your experience, you will also receive the following:

  • Access to general sessions Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and workshop and roundtable sessions Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Access to the networking reception, with light hors d’oeuvres
  • Access to presentation materials online
  • Free basic wireless internet in the hotel
  • Lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Beverages (coffee, tea, water) during breaks
  • SWAG (a.k.a., stuff we all get)

Please note that the main registration does NOT include access to Learning Add-Ons.

Learning Add-ons

Learning Add-Ons occur Monday before the conference begins and are an ADDITIONAL cost. These full- or half-day training sessions have limited capacity; your spot is only secured upon payment. If we cannot fulfill your request, you may choose another session (if available), or a refund.

Your registration for your chosen Learning Add-On entitles you to a spot in that session only and is not transferable on the day of the event. If you want to change your Learning Add-On choice before 11/01/24, please contact Monique Davis.

Payment Deadlines

All payments made by check or purchase order must be received by 11/1/2024. After that date, you must pay by check or credit card on-site to gain admittance to the conference. Attendees with outstanding balances will be refused admission. Our new mailing address is PO Box 741, Churchville, MD 21028.


Please contact Arianna de la Mancha if you have a question about our sponsorship opportunities and benefits.

Please contact Monique Davis if you have a question about conference registration.

For hotel-related questions, please call the Hilton Phoenix Tapatio Cliffs Resort at 602-866-7500.

For more information about Phoenix, please visit www.visitphoenix.com.

Guiding Principles

All sessions, exhibits, and advertisements shared at the Healthy Teen Network conference must be aligned with our Guiding Principles.

This requirement means that all content (e.g., curricula, programs, activities, etc.) must be:

  • Youth-friendly;
  • Inclusive and affirming of all young people; and
  • Comprehensive, including when age-appropriate, information and/or services about sexual and reproductive health—including the full range of birth control methods and all pregnancy options (to be clear: abortion, adoption, and parenting).

For example, information/services promoting sexual risk avoidance education, abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, crisis pregnancy centers, or anti-abortion campaigns are not in alignment with our Guiding Principles and are not eligible to be shared or promoted at the Healthy Teen Network conference.

We reserve the right to reject any session proposal or sponsorship, at our discretion.

Advertising Sponsors and Social Media Ads

Only social media posts designed for a youth audience will be shared on our Instagram account. Appropriate placement decisions for sponsor advertisements will be made at Healthy Teen Network's discretion.

Recommended Travel Times

We often get asked when the activities begin and end, so participants can plan their travel.*

We recommend:

  • If you plan to participate in a Learning Add-On, formerly called pre-conference institutes, on Monday, November 18, arrive in Phoenix on Sunday, November 17.
  • Arrive in Phoenix by 1:00 PM MST** on Monday, November 18 (the conference welcome and first general session begins at 4:00 PM MST).
  • Schedule departure flights for 6:30 PM MST or later on Wednesday, November 20 (the final general session ends at 4:00 PM MST).

*Times and content are subject to change.

**Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time (except the Navajo Nation) and remains on Mountain Standard Time all year.

Student Registrations

Students must provide verification (e.g., department chair letter, enrollment letter, or official school documentation with a seal/emblem) they are enrolled full-time in a secondary, undergraduate, or graduate degree program for the Fall 2024 semester. Email documentation to Monique Davis.

Lead Presenter & Trainer Discounts

Lead workshop and roundtable session presenters (one per session) receive a 15% discount on the main conference registration fee and will receive a unique discount code to use when registering. Co-presenters do not receive this discount.

Learning Add-On lead trainers receive a 100% full conference registration, as part of their support and compensation for this more intensive training session.





Scholarships or Other Discounts

We are unfortunately limited in the discounts we can provide. We aim to compensate presenters fairly and make this opportunity as affordable as possible, while ensuring we can continue to host the event. If available, scholarship opportunities are posted on this website.

Refund Policies

General Refunds

All requests for refunds must be made in writing (email is sufficient) and dated on or before 10/25/2024. An eligible request will entitle the registrant to a full refund less a $50 processing fee. In lieu of requesting a refund, an organization may send someone else in the place of the registrant if the initial registrant is unable to attend, and if they notify Healthy Teen Network in writing by 11/1/2024.

Sponsor Refund Policy

The acceptance and confirmed assignment of space shall be subject to the regulations outlined on the website. All requests for refunds must be made in writing (email is sufficient) and dated on or before 10/25/2024. An eligible request will entitle the registrant to a full refund less a $50 processing fee. In lieu of requesting a refund, an organization may send someone else in the place of the initial registrant if that registrant is unable to attend and if they notify Healthy Teen Network in writing by 11/1/2024.

We reserve the right to reject any registration, at our discretion.

Health & Safety Measures

We encourage attendees to follow the practical recommendations from the latest CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance. To help people lower risk from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV.

looking ahead to #healthyteen25

Save the Date for October 6-8, 2025
Atlanta, GA

Premier Sponsor

The Annie E. Casey Foundation logo


thrivology logo
True You Maryland logo
Eyes Open Iowa logo
El Camino logo
Positive Prevention PLUS logo
Launch, Igniting Innovation logo
logo for Centerlink: the Community of LGBTQ Centers
Jane's Due Process logo

Disclaimer: Inclusion or identification of organizations, individuals, information, content, and materials does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement.

Discover the magic of the Network.