Being an adolescent is complicated enough. What if you are in foster care? Sexually active? Pregnant? A parent? The ReSHAPING network of scholars is finding out more and improving these experiences.
What’s New
The latest research

ReSHAPING (Research on Sexual Health and Adolescent Parenting in Out-of-Home Environments Group) is an international network of scholars in social work, public health, public policy, and psychology dedicated to collaborative research on understanding needs and improving outcomes related to sexual health and parenting for youth who are homeless, trafficked, or in out-of-home environments, whether in child welfare, juvenile justice, or other systems.
Through this website and social media, we disseminate our individual and joint work. We also provide information about trainings, other research and reports for those interested in this topic. Our hope is to provide a repository that is useful to researchers, practitioners, and policymakers.
Our Members

Elizabeth Aparicio
University of Maryland, College Park

Amy Dworsky
Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago

Monica Faulkner
Texas Institute for Child and Family Wellbeing, Steve Hicks School of Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin

Nadine Finigan-Carr
University of Maryland, Baltimore
School of Social Work

Claudette Grinnell-Davis
Anne and Henry Zarrow School of Social Work
University of Oklahoma, Tulsa

Grace Hubel
College of Charleston

Bryn King
Social Work, University of Toronto
Children’s Data Network, University of Southern California

Andrea Lane Eastman
University of Southern California

Kristen Ethier
Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice at the University of Chicago

Katie Massey Combs
University of Colorado Boulder

Lisa Schelbe
Florida State University
College of Social Work

Svetlana Shpiegel
Montclair State University
Department of Social Work and Child Advocacy

Rhoda Smith
Springfield College