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Sex and Labor Trafficking: What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know

July 2019

Through Healthy Teen Network’s partnership with the University of Maryland School of Social Work’s Prevention of Adolescent Risk Initiative, this elearning unit is available to learn about sex and labor trafficking. This unit is focused on specifics for the state of Maryland, but participants from any state can learn about sex and labor trafficking as well.  

 Suggested prerequisite: Human Trafficking 101. 

 Estimated Time: 25 minutes 

Designed for parents, guardians, and caregivers, this elearning gives you the information you need to recognize the signs that a person you care for may be subject to trafficking. The lesson covers what sex and labor trafficking are, circumstances that make someone vulnerable to trafficking, stories of trafficking, how to identify signs that someone is being trafficked, how to intervene, and what steps you can take as a parent or caregiver to mitigate risks of trafficking. Completing this 25-minute module allows you to apply strategies to real-world scenarios, access resources, and create a plan to minimize the risk of trafficking to youth in your life.  

 Learning Objectives 

By the end of this elearning unit, participants will be able to… 

  1.  Describe the circumstances that make young people vulnerable to trafficking. 
  2. Identify common signs that may indicate children are experiencing human trafficking.  
  3. Identify strategies that can be used in your home to mitigate the risks of trafficking. 

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