Lisa Schelbe, PhD, MSW

Florida State University College of Social Work
Dr. Lisa Schelbe is the Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and an Associate Professor at Florida State University College of Social Work. She is also a Faculty Affiliate at the Florida Institute for Child Welfare and serves as co-Editor-in-Chief of Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. Lisa received a Doris Duke Fellowship for the Promotion of Child Well-Being (2011-2013). Her primary research interest focuses broadly on child welfare and child maltreatment prevention. Specifically, her research examines the population of youth aging out and their experiences of the transition from the system to life on their own as adults.
What led you to this work?
While collecting data for a study on the experiences of youth aging out, I was inspired by the stories of young parents who faced many obstacles in life, yet remained committed to providing a better life for their children whom they loved fiercely.
What research questions are you currently working on answering or what are you most interested in answering?
I want to know what are the lived experiences of parents in and aging out of care and how can services best meet the needs of these parents and their children to reduce future child welfare system involvement.
Their research