Image of two Serenity Kit boxes, measuring approximately 8x5x2 inches each

Serenity Room

a research-backed, sensory experience for you to explore, relax, and find your inner serenity

Hand holding two palm-sized art prints with inspirational images or messages on them.

“Much of our training and practice is directed at young peoples’ healing but rarely focuses on the healing that is required of adults to be an effective youth practitioner. Healing is an ongoing process that we all need, not just young people who experience trauma. The well-being of the adult youth worker is also a critical factor in supporting young peoples’ well-being.”

​Dr. Shawn Ginwright, pioneer of the Healing-Centered Engagement framework​

Welcome Guide References

  1. Steptoe, A., Gibson, E. L., Vounonvirta, R., Williams, E. D., Hamer, M., Rycroft, J. A., … & Wardle, J. (2007). The effects of tea on psychophysiological stress responsivity and post-stress recovery: a randomised double-blind trial. Psychopharmacology, 190, 81-89.
  2. Bryan, J., Tuckey, M., Einöther, S. J., Garczarek, U., Garrick, A., & De Bruin, E. A. (2012). Relationships between tea and other beverage consumption to work performance and mood. Appetite, 58(1), 339-346.
  3. Gil, N. (2019, December 9). The Importance of trauma-informed design. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesnonprofitcouncil/2019/12/09/the-importance-of-trauma-informed-design/?sh=3f26f5f96785
  4. Armstrong, J. (2022, December 10). How explorations of art, trauma-informed principles and contemplative practices can come together to support well-being and nervous system regulation. Medium. https://medium.com/viewfinder-reflecting-on-museum-education/how-explorations-of-art-trauma-informed-principles-and-contemplative-practices-can-come-together-a5321ff74b3f
  5. Denham, I. P. (1993). The power of the word. Positive affirmation as self-healing, reshaping or remodellingremodeling technique: A dissertation. The Union Institute.
  6. Mastandrea, S., Fagioli, S., & Biasi, V. (2019). Art and psychological well-being: Linking the brain to the aesthetic emotion. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 739.
  7. Song, I., Baek, K., Kim, C., & Song, C. (2023). Effects of nature sounds on the attention and physiological and psychological relaxation. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 86, 127987.
  8. Ratcliffe, E. (2021). Sound and soundscape in restorative natural environments: A narrative literature review. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 570563.
  9. Aćimović, M. (2021). Essential oils: Inhalation aromatherapy—a comprehensive review. Journal of Agronomy, Technology and Engineering Management, 4(2), 547-557.
  10. Johnson, A. J. (2011). Cognitive facilitation following intentional odor exposure. Sensors, 11, 5469-5488.
  11. Persia, J. (2023). Examining the impacts of subtle fidget jewelry on anxiety, stress, and attention. [Honors thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill]. Carolina Digital Repository.
  12. Henricson, M. (2008). Tactile touch in intensive care: Nurses’ preparation, patients’ experiences and the effect on stress parameters [Doctoral dissertation, Högskolan i Borås och Karlstads universitet].

The Serenity Collection

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