Serenity Kit box and Serenity Room brochure

Serenity Collection

Helping youth-supporting professionals create the time and space for self-care and healing

Hand holding two palm-sized art prints with inspirational images or messages on them.

When [people who make up systems] are able to show up whole and human—it changes everything.”​


Excerpt from Healing Systems: Reflections on the First Four Years of​ Trauma Transformed​


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“If we aren’t taking care of ourselves, we can’t be there to help them.”

Social Worker

Explore the Collection


Image of two Serenity Kit boxes, measuring approximately 8x5x2 inches each

Serenity Kit

A thoughtfully curated kit for youth-supporting professionals to promote self-care, healing, and a sense of safety

Serenity Room

A sensory experience for you to explore, relax, and find your inner serenity

Serenity Room

A sensory experience for you to explore, relax, and find your inner serenity

“I truly enjoy my time with the Serenity Kit. It serves as a temporary escape on those super busy, high stress-level days. It gives me that much-needed moment to breathe, and when I’m coloring the postcards, I usually forget about the troubles of the day.”


-Program Coordinator