Words Matter: A Guide to Inclusive Language for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive HealthOctober 2024Language shapes our world, and the words we choose can build bridges or barriers. That’s why, across fields and industries, experts agree: Words matter. Words carry...
True You Maryland Curricula Recruitment Templates
True You Maryland Curricula Recruitment TemplatesAugust 2024Canva templates for recruitment flyers and social media posts promoting two True You Maryland curricula: Plan A and 17 Days. Plan A17 DaysContributing StaffRelatedWant to do something similar?You work hard to...
Serenity Kit
Serenity KitA thoughtfully curated kit for youth-supporting professionals to promote self-care, healing, and a sense of safety An experience for the senses Within every Serenity Kit is an experience for the senses: a sight, a sound, a texture, a scent, and a...
Serenity Collection
Serenity CollectionHelping youth-supporting professionals create the time and space for self-care and healingExperience the Serenity Collection As youth-supporting professionals, you dedicate a lot of time and energy caring for others. You may also carry the heavy...
Communicating About Adolescent Sexual Health: Messaging That Moves
Communicating About Adolescent Sexual Health: Messaging That Moves2017As an expert in efforts to improve students’ sexual health, you see your work in a different light than many of the people whose support you need to sustain your 1308 program strategies and...
National Observances, Awareness Campaigns, and Holidays Calendar
National Observances, Awareness Campaigns, and Holidays CalendarJanuary 2024National health observances and awareness campaigns are great opportunities to efficiently use and adapt existing content in support of the goal of promoting adolescent sexual health and...
#SexEdForAll Tool Kit
#SexEdForAll Month Tool KitApril 2024Sex Ed For All Month is coordinated by the Sex Education Collaborative—representing 26 national, regional, and state-based organizations with extensive experience training educators to deliver school-based sex education—in...
Positive Prevention Plus Implementation, Observation, & Reporting Guidance
Positive Prevention Plus Implementation, Observation, & Reporting Guidance2022A big part of the True You Maryland project involves implementing Positive Prevention Plus (3P) in schools and communities. 3P is an evidence-based, comprehensive family life and human...
True You Maryland Brand Book
True You Maryland Brand BookOctober 2021True You Maryland is an affirming, positive brand about finding, expressing, and celebrating your true self in the rural Maryland landscape. True You Maryland is a brand built by youth in rural Maryland for youth in rural...
True You Maryland Youth Advisory Board Recruitment Kit
Youth Advisory Board Recruitment KitOctober 2021Want to spread the word about your Youth Advisory Board? We've prepared this recruitment kit to make it easy to share. We're done our best to make this kit useful for all our True You Maryland partners, but you may need...
Young Parents Logic Model Tool
Young Parents Logic Model2020The Young Parents Logic Model is a tool designed to help professionals and organizations think about how to design and improve their programs and services for young people who are pregnant or parenting. The tool encourages a holistic...
Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS)
Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS)2017 Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS) is a companion to the PSBA-GTO manual, building on the PSBA-GTO process to reflect the unique needs of education...
Show Me the Money: Guide to Developing a Winning Grant Proposal
Show Me the Money: Guide to Developing a Winning Grant ProposalGuide & Webinar, 2015Are you gearing up to write a proposal? Get a headstart with Show Me the Money, a guide to walk you through how to put together a winning proposal. We designed this resource...
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