ReSHAPINGPromoting Postsecondary Educational Success Among Young Parents In and Aging Out of Foster Care Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, June 2022 Lisa Schelbe, PhD, MSW; Amy Dworsky, PhD; Svetlana Shpiegel, PhD, MSW; Andrea Lane Eastman, PhD, MA; Jennifer...
A content analysis of case records: Two-generations of child protective services involvement
ReSHAPINGA content analysis of case records: Two-generations of child protective services involvement Child and Youth Services Review, April 2019 Andrea Lane Eastman PhD MA, Lisa Schelbe PhD MSW, & Jacquelyn McCroskey Suggested Citation Eastman, A. L., Schelbe,...
Parenting under pressure: Experiences of parenting while aging out of foster care.
ReSHAPINGParenting under pressure: Experiences of parenting while aging out of foster care Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, February 2017 Lisa Schelbe PhD MSW & Jennifer Mullins Geiger Suggested Citation Schelbe, L., & Geiger, J. M. (2017). Parenting...
Stopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect
ReSHAPINGStopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect: A Call to Action to Focus on Pregnant and Parenting Youth in and Aging Out of the Foster Care System Journal of Public Child Welfare, 2013 Jennifer Mullins Geiger, Lisa Ann Schelbe Suggested Citation Mullins...
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