ReSHAPINGA Path Analysis Predicting Contraceptive Use Among Youth Formerly in Foster Care: Intention or Unmet Need? Society for Social Work and Research, 2018 Katie Massey Combs, Inna Altschul, Samantha M. Brown, Heather Taussig Suggested Citation Combs, K. M. (2018)....
What Works When Engaging In Real Talk With Foster Youth Around Dating and Sexual Behaviors?
ReSHAPINGWhat Works When Engaging In Real Talk With Foster Youth Around Dating and Sexual Behaviors?Healthy Teen Network's 38th Annual National Conference, 2017Rhoda Smith, PhD, MSW, Elizabeth Aparicio, PhD, MSW Suggested Citation Smith, R. & Aparicio, E. (2017)....
Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care
ReSHAPINGSexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care: The Impact of Sexual Orientation Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, 2017 Svetlana Shpiegel, Elizabeth Aparicio, Claudette L. Grinnell-Davis, Dana Prince Suggested...
Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults Who Experienced Foster Care
ReSHAPINGPregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults Who Experienced Foster Care Child Maltreatment, 2016 Katie Massey Combs, Stephanie Begun, Deborah J. Rinehart, Heather Taussig Suggested Citation Combs, K. M. (2017). Pregnancy and Childbearing Among Young Adults...
Predictors of early childbirth among female adolescents in foster care
ReSHAPINGPredictors of early childbirth among female adolescents in foster care Journal of Adolescent Health, 2017 Bryn King, Melissa Van Wert Suggested CitationKing, B., & Van Wert, M. (2017). Predictors of early childbirth among female adolescents in foster...
First births to maltreated adolescent girls
ReSHAPINGFirst births to maltreated adolescent girls: Differences associated with spending time in foster care Child Maltreatment, 2017 Bryn King, PhD, MSW Suggested Citation King, B. (2017). First births to maltreated adolescent girls: Differences associated with...
An Examination of Foster Youth Socialization to Dating and Sexual Behaviors
ReSHAPINGAn Examination of Foster Youth Socialization to Dating and Sexual Behaviors Loma Linda University Electronic Theses, Dissertations & Projects, 2017 Rhoda Smith, PhD, MSW Suggested Citation Smith, R. (2017) An Examination of Foster Youth Socialization to...
Employment Outcomes of Young Parents Who Age Out of Foster Care
ReSHAPINGEmployment outcomes of young parents who age out of foster care Children and Youth Services Review, January 2017 Amy Dworsky, Elissa Gitlow Suggested Citation Dworsky, A., & Gitlow, E. (2017). Employment outcomes of young parents who age out of foster...
Mixed Messages
ReSHAPINGMixed Messages: The current state of teen pregnancy prevention in Travis County, TX The Healthy Youth Partnership, Child and Family Research Institute, 2015 Monica Faulkner, Laura Marra, Kate McKerlie Suggested Citation Brazeal, J., Marra, L., McKerlie, K....
Intimate partner violence and pregnant and parenting adolescents in out‐of‐home care
ReSHAPINGIntimate partner violence and pregnant and parenting adolescents in out‐of‐home care: Reflections on a data set and implications for intervention Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2016 Judith W Herrman PhD, RN, FAAN; Nadine Finigan-Carr PhD; and Kathertine M Haigh...
”I want to be better than you’
ReSHAPING''I want to be better than you:' lived experiences of intergenerational child maltreatment prevention among teenage mothers in and beyond foster care Child and Family Social Work, 2016 Elizabeth Aparicio, PhD, MSW Suggested Citation Aparicio, E. M. (2016). 'I...
Extended Foster Care for Transition-Age Youth
ReSHAPINGExtended Foster Care for Transition-Age Youth: An Opportunity for Pregnancy Prevention and Parenting Support Journal of Adolescent Health, 2016 Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Ivy Hammond, Andrea Lane Eastman, Jacquelyn McCroskey, Daniel Webster Suggested Citation...
“I Can Get Through This and I Will Get Through This”
ReSHAPING"I Can Get Through This and I Will Get Through This": The unfolding journey of teenage motherhood in and beyond foster care Qualitative Social Work, June 2016 Elizabeth M Aparicio, Deborah Gioia, Edward V Pecukonis Suggested Citation Aparicio, E. M. (2016)....
Child welfare services involvement among the children of young parents in foster care
ReSHAPINGChild welfare services involvement among the children of young parents in foster care Child Abuse & Neglect, 2015 Amy Dworsky, PhD, MSW, BA Suggested Citation Dworsky, A. (2015). Child welfare services involvement among the children of young parents in...
“The love that I was missing”
ReSHAPING"The love that I was missing": Exploring the lived experience of motherhood among teen mothers in foster care Children and Youth Services, 2015 Elizabeth Aparicio, Edward V. Pecukonis, Shalita O'Neale Suggested Citation Aparicio, E. M. (2015). "The love that...
Preventing Rapid Repeat Pregnancy and Promoting Positive Parenting among Young Mothers in Foster Care
ReSHAPINGPreventing Rapid Repeat Pregnancy and Promoting Positive Parenting among Young Mothers in Foster Care Social Work in Public Health, 2014 Nadine M. Finigan-Carr, Kantahyanee W. Murray, Julia M. O'Connor, Berenice R. Rushovich, Desyree A. Dixon, Richard P....
Stopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect
ReSHAPINGStopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect: A Call to Action to Focus on Pregnant and Parenting Youth in and Aging Out of the Foster Care System Journal of Public Child Welfare, 2013 Jennifer Mullins Geiger, Lisa Ann Schelbe Suggested Citation Mullins...
Psychosocial pathways to sexually transmitted infection risk among youth transitioning out of foster care
ReSHAPINGPsychosocial pathways to sexually transmitted infection risk among youth transitioning out of foster care: Evidence from a longitudinal cohort study Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013 Kym R Ahrens, Cari McCarty, Jane Simoni, Amy Dworsky, Mark E Courtney...
Pathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care
ReSHAPINGPathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study of Youth Transitioning Out of Care Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013 Kym R. Ahrens, Carolyn McCarty, Mark E. Courtney, Amy Dworsky, Jane Simoni Suggested Citation Ahrens,...
Health Insurance Coverage and Use of Family Planning Services among Current and Former Foster Youth
ReSHAPINGHealth Insurance Coverage and Use of Family Planning Services among Current and Former Foster Youth: Implications of the Health Care Reform Law Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 2013 Amy Dworsky, Kym Ahrens, Mark Courtney Suggested Citation Dworsky,...
Cumulative teen birth rates among girls in foster care at age 17
ReSHAPINGCumulative teen birth rates among girls in foster care at age 17: An analysis of linked birth and child protection records from California Child Abuse & Neglect, 2013 Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Bryn King Suggested Citation King, B. & Putnam-Hornstein, E....
A cross-sectional examination of birth rates among adolescent girls in foster care
ReSHAPINGA cross-sectional examination of birth rates among adolescent girls in foster care Children and Youth Services Review, June 2013 Bryn King, Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Julie A. Cederbaum, Barbara Needell Suggested Citation King, B., Putnam-Hornstein, E.,...
Predictors of three-year subsequent births for low-income adolescent mothers
ReSHAPINGPredictors of three-year subsequent births for low-income adolescent mothers: An exploratory investigation of an intensive case management collaboration American Journal of Public Health, 2012 Carol M. Lewis, Monica Faulkner, Megan Scarborough, Bethany...
The risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth
ReSHAPINGThe risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth: Implications for extending state care beyond age 18 Children and Youth Services Review, 2010 Amy Dworsky, Mark E. Courtney Suggested Citation Dworsky, A., & Courtney, M. E. (2010) The risk of...
Pregnancy and sexual health behaviors among youth in the child welfare system
ReSHAPINGPregnancy and sexual health behaviors among youth in the child welfare system UT Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2010 Monica Faulkner, PhD, LMSW Suggested Citation Faulkner, M. (2010). Pregnancy and sexual health behaviors among youth in the child...
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