HPV: By the Numbers2019So, HPV (Human Papillomavirus)…It’s sexually transmitted, through all types of sex, it increases your risk of a whole bunch of HPV-related cancers, and it makes it more likely that you’ll contract genital warts…and overall, it’s just another...
Internet Advertising to Recruit Youth
Internet Advertising to Recruit YouthPresentations, Trainings, & Support Available Online & In-Person What’s all the hype about internet advertising? Not sure where to start, but you want to start now? Tried it before but with mixed results? Need some tips to...
Selling Sexual Health
Selling Sexual Health: Comparing Two Pilot Recruitment Internet Ad Campaigns for Latinx Individuals2019Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer the opportunity to reach large numbers of youth. However, program managers' success in...
Recruiting? Facebook can help
Recruiting? Facebook can help: Using social media to recruit participants2018Here, we use and infographic show lessons learned from using social media channels to recruit participants into research studies and programs. This resource was originally designed for our...
HPV: Not Too Late
HPV: Not Too Late2018So, HPV (Human Papillomavirus)…It’s sexually transmitted, through all types of sex, it increases your risk of a whole bunch of HPV-related cancers, and it makes it more likely that you’ll contract genital warts…and overall, it’s just another thing...
Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online
Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online 2017When approaching topics such as adolescent sexuality, technology, and social media, it is sometimes tempting for adults, even sexuality educators, to focus solely on the Internet Age’s harmful and problematic byproducts for adolescent...
Likes, Tweets, and Hashtags: Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Recruitment
Likes, Tweets, & Hashtags: Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Study Recruitment2017Social media and internet advertising continue to prove promising frontiers for the recruitment and engagement of participants for programs, studies, and campaigns. While...
Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS)
Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS)2017 Making Evidence-Based Sexual Health Education Work in Schools (MESHEWS) is a companion to the PSBA-GTO manual, building on the PSBA-GTO process to reflect the unique needs of education...
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