Gender & Sexuality
Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy & Confidentiality for Adolescents Accessing Sexual & Reproductive Health Care2018Follow 16-year-old Kendall and learn about why young people need privacy and confidentiality while seeking sexual and reproductive health care. Complete this elearning...

Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online

Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online

Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online 2017When approaching topics such as adolescent sexuality, technology, and social media, it is sometimes tempting for adults, even sexuality educators, to focus solely on the Internet Age’s harmful and problematic byproducts for adolescent...

Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care

Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care

ReSHAPINGSexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care: The Impact of Sexual Orientation Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, 2017 Svetlana Shpiegel, Elizabeth Aparicio, Claudette L. Grinnell-Davis, Dana Prince Suggested...

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