Goals, Objectives, and Logic Models
Young Parents Logic Model Tool

Young Parents Logic Model Tool

Young Parents Logic Model2020The Young Parents Logic Model is a tool designed to help professionals and organizations think about how to design and improve their programs and services for young people who are pregnant or parenting. The tool encourages a holistic...

Making Your Logic Model Work for You

Making Your Logic Model Work for You

Making Your Logic Model Work for You2014Have you ever wondered, “Why do I need to develop and use a logic model?” Logic models should be a clear and concise “10,000 foot view” of the work you’re doing and relevant for various stakeholders involved in your work. The...

What Is a Logic Model?

What Is a Logic Model?

What Is a Logic Model? 2013What is a logic model? Learn more in this tip sheet! Logic models display the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve. They have been used...

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