Messaging & Framing
You Just Found Out Your Teen Is Having Sex. Now What?

You Just Found Out Your Teen Is Having Sex. Now What?

Our staff share insights on the importance of sex ed, access to services, and how to be an askable adult.August 8, 2024In a new article from HuffPost, Ellen Friedrichs—a health and sexuality educator—talks about how parents and caregivers can separate fact from...

I’m Just a Bill: The Untold Story

I’m Just a Bill: The Untold Story

I’m Just a Bill covers how a legislative bill makes its way to law. As a public policy advocacy practitioner for over 30 years, let me just say that how a bill becomes a law is more complicated than the short film conveys.  By Bob Reeg, MPA, CVA June 3, 2021The I’m...

May Is Sex Ed for All Month (2020)

May Is Sex Ed for All Month (2020)

This preamble and call to action were developed by partners at Advocates for Youth, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Power to Decide, SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change, and URGE as part of the larger Sex Ed For All Month coalition. May 4, 2020 This May, sexual...

Some Thoughts on the P-Word

Some Thoughts on the P-Word

Let us show you how we are centering pleasure in adolescent sex ed with the #HealthyTeen18 Design Challenge. By Nicholas Sufrinko July 31, 2018 I have a thought. What if, despite the continued attacks from an administration hostile to providing adolescents with...

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