page of a flip calendar that reads May: #SexEdforAllMonth, National Adolescent Health Month, National Foster Care Month, Asian/Pacific American Heritiage Month with the True You Maryland logo

National Observances, Awareness Campaigns, and Holidays Calendar

January 2024

National health observances and awareness campaigns are great opportunities to efficiently use and adapt existing content in support of the goal of promoting adolescent sexual health and well-being.

This Google calendar can be added to your calendar list, or you can bookmark the link to view the calendar at any time. This calendar is being continuously updated to include new information and events.

Use a link to add a public calendar
  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left, next to “Other calendars,” click Add. From URL.
  3. Enter the calendar’s address.
  4. Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under “Other calendars.”

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