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Celebrating AANHPI Month
Cultural Experiences, Shared Identities, and Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
black, white, and aqua illustration of April "Kayuri" Lat

By April “Kayuri” Lat, MS MPP

illustration of Patricia Natalie

By Patricia Natalie, MA

May 28, 2024

heck out this video blog post, where April and Patricia discuss their shared identities as Southeast Asians, their cultural experiences, and family dynamics, through the lens of the hit movie Everything, Everywhere, All At Once that features a predominantly Asian cast, for Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month. 

*Tip: If you want to make any jumps in our conversation, we have “chapters” saved in the video:

  • 00:00 – Introduction 
  • 01:09 – Background on May being AANHPI, MHAM, and Sex Ed for All Month 
  • 04:08 – Movie Summary 
  • 08:58 – Our Favorite Scenes from the Movie 
  • 16:12 – Parents and “The Talk” 
  • 21:15 – Language Barriers & Intergenerational Trauma 
  • 35:15 – Last Thoughts  

References mentioned in video blog post:

April “Kayuri” Lat is a Senior Manager for Innovation and Research. As project manager for the In/Tend Incubator Hub, she is dedicated to creating playful safe spaces, both online and offline, that respect young people’s autonomy to dream, fail, and learn together. If they’re not working, you can almost always find April in their studio, producing music, gaming, or crocheting. Read more about April

Patricia is a curious learner who loves to ask questions and find patterns. If you look closer, you might see a literal light bulb above Patricia’s head when she sees a connection or realizes something in her research. Patricia loves using those insights to co-create changesbig or smallthat make the world a better place. Having grown up in three different countries, Patricia sees the world differently and always makes time for travel. In her free time, Patricia can be found browsing offbeat Airbnbs or walking her sweet, black cat on a leash (yepit's one of Patricia’s proudest accomplishments). Read more about Patricia.